Written January 2016, the day after a very bad day.

Remember all those times you thought you wouldn't survive, and then you survived?
Today might be one of those days. Yesterday maybe you didn't think you'd survive.
But you did.
How are you feeling today?
Are there things you could have done yesterday that would have left you feeling better today?
Was there a conversation you could have had?
An invitation to play that you could have said yes to, instead of not going?
An apology you could have made? A friendship you could have started, laughter you could have had with your partner or kids.
A task you could have done, (yes even the dishes), to leave you feeling better today..
It doesn't matter if it wasn't done .. here you are, and it's today.
Maybe today is the day you don't think you'll survive. So what is it that you can do today that will leave you feeling better tomorrow?
(Just in case you survive)..
Is there someone who needs your help?
What about spending time playing with a child, cleaning your room, making that apology, finishing that book?
Would it kill you to go for a long walk? Because you don't think you're going to survive anyway.
What about drinking more water today? That would make you feel better tomorrow if you survive.
And choosing healthier food to eat, so your body feels better, just in case you survive.
Being honest with yourself and others, that'd make you feel better tomorrow, if you survive.
Doing little things around the house, tidying up, so that when you look around tomorrow you feel better.
Even reading a book, kissing your partner for 20 seconds (try it), starting your assignment, helping someone else with something they are doing, If you do that today, and you survive tomorrow, you'll feel better.
Regret is annoying.
So if you do survive this day, make sure that the things you do today, count tomorrow.
And the thing is, if you don't survive, at least your last day was a good one.
So far you've survived 100% of the worst days of your life, that's pretty impressive.
Over the years I've had some pretty dark days. Wracked with panic attacks, anxiety, depression, migraines and utter despair. What I learned as I got older is that I am 100% responsible for how I experience my world, meaning I get to change the outcome rather than submit to circumstance and let bad things repeat in my life.
That means finding balance, making better choices around nutrition, movement, health friendships, rest, and staying away from drama and negativity. It means having healthy boundaries, self love, and a determination to eliminate old negative patterns and beliefs.
That's why I created #findingbalance, #connectionmastery, and #30dayswithjustine. All wonderful tools to support you through change and growth. I'd love to see you in one of my programs, groups or workshops, I think you'll love it too.
