noun: worry
1. the act of causing yourself anxiety over actual or potential problems, 2. An obsession with ‘what ifs’ and worst-case scenarios.

Worrying is a state of mind, not something that will actually achieve anything other than working you into a pink fit, making you lose sleep, sanity, health and sensibility.
If you HAVE a problem, work out what ACTION you can take immediately to address it.
If it’s a potential problem, something that MIGHT happen in the future, ask yourself what ACTION can I take to reduce the risk of this happening, or if it does happen, how can I be prepared and what response would have the best outcome for me?
Worrying robs you of the present moment, you’re so busy focusing on what’s on your mind that you cannot fully experience what’s right in front of you.
It limits you through distraction, distress, obsession, and fear, and actually CREATES more problems to worry about. For example, in relationships, with money, career and health.
Worry can be part of a lifelong habit, born from a troubled childhood and/or negative messaging from family members. It can manifest as a refusal to accept anything positive (filtering out good things and looking for, or expecting, the bad), being highly critical of self or others, making negative interpretations of something without actual evidence, and assuming responsibility for things outside of your control.
Remember that emotions are a chemical record of past trauma. So if you are worrying, you are firing chemicals in your brain that trigger reactions in your body causing damage to your cells, with a domino effect impacting your health..
So can you see it would be worthwhile now for you to give up the belief that worrying serves a useful purpose for you?
Your body is listening to everything you entertain in your mind.
You 100% can worry yourself sick, meaning you can also think yourself into a better state of health and well-being!!
Worrying creates illness, stress, fear and panic. And almost all of the things you worry about never end up happening..
Some of us do not know how to NOT worry. We may have learned that that's the only way to be, from fearful or controlling parents, or trauma and prolonged abuse, so it's more of a challenge for us to stop the habit of worrying.
Working on what you believe is important. Feeling safe, confidence in self, and others, is a great start. Find balance, learn what is real (because often what we obsess or worry about isn't real) and enjoy the feeling of freedom that comes with eliminating worry from your life.
